Malignus Morttvss
Man 83
[ MMM ]
Malignus MorttvsS : All Instruments and Voices;
(Composer, Cameraman, Director, Producer, Editor, *Aut(h)o(r)-photography), etc.
Since 2004 • Producing Dark Bizarre Musical Arts In This Goddamn Profane World That I (Horror) Love.
https://malignusmorttvss.bandcamp.com / Malignus MorttvsS (YouTube Channel) / Spotify and all music platforms.
[email protected] / [email protected]
Malignus MorttvsS : All Instruments and Voices;
(Composer, Cameraman, Director, Producer, Editor, *Aut(h)o(r)-photography), etc.
Since 2004 • Producing Dark Bizarre Musical Arts In This Goddamn Profane World That I (Horror) Love.
https://malignusmorttvss.bandcamp.com / Malignus MorttvsS (YouTube Channel) / Spotify and all music platforms.
[email protected] / [email protected]